CV tiếng Anh ngành luật

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Mẫu CV tiếng Anh chuyên ngành luật


– 2009-2014 University of Pittsburgh School of Law – PhD (Doctorate degree) Completion expected in fall 2014. Area of Study and Research: International Law and International Commercial Law Phd Thesis: The influence of the CISG on domestic law and its application through rules of succession, in Kosovo. PhD mentor: Prof.Harry Flechtner (Un.of Pittsburgh)

– 2004 – 2005 University of Pittsburgh School of Law – LL.M (Master of Laws) Graduated with Honors (cum laude) Main areas of study: International Public Law and International Commercial Law.

– 2001 – 2004 University of Prishtina, Faculty of Law – Bachelor of Law Graduated first (summa cum laude) out of 2000 students

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Summary of relevant work experience:

– Feb.2011-ongoing MP (Member of Parliament) – Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo Chairwoman of the Parliamentary Committee on European Integration Vice-Chair of the Committee for Constitutional Amendments

– Aug.2006 – Sep.2010 Office of the President of the Republic of Kosovo

Chief-of-Staff to the President and Senior Adviser on Legal and International Affairs

Main responsibilities: Advising the President of Kosovo on Foreign Policy and Legal matters; Coordinating the work of other members of the cabinet; Reviewing all the legislation passed by the Assembly of Kosovo to determine whether the law should be signed or returned; Representing the President in the National Security Council; Representing the President in the Consultative Council for Communities, Representing the President in the Panel for the selection of Kosovo’s diplomatic personnel; Representing the President in the Constitutional Commission; Other responsibilities related to the competencies, functions and policies in the Cabinet of the President.

– Oct. 2006 – ongoing University of Prishtina, Faculty of Law

Teaching Assistant – International Law Department

Courses: International Public Law, International Humanitarian Law, Human Rights Law.

– Dec.2010- ongoing American University in Kosovo


Courses: Constitutional Law, International Law and Organizations,

Fundamentals of Legal Research, Human Rights, Law and Society.

– 2010-2011 University of Pittsburgh, School of Law

Visiting Professor

Course: State-building and the Law

– Oct.2007-Dec.2010 AAB-Riinvest University

Lecturer – Department of Business and Information Technology

Course: Business Law

Jan.2010-ongoing First Legal Solutions, LLC (Law Firm)

Founding Partner

Cung cấp những thông tin cơ bản trong CV

– 2008- 2010 Bearing Point – USAID

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Commercial Law Trainer

Major Accomplishments:

Preparing Manuals (treatises) in different areas of commercial law for the use of judges, lawyers and other legal professionals in

Kosovo and delivering trainings on those areas.

– Sept. 2005 – Aug.2006 Council of Europe Mission in Kosovo:

Legal Advisor to the Head of Mission

Major Accomplishments:

Advising the Head of Mission on law related matters, participating in working groups for drafting legislation, training judges and prosecutors, contributing to presentations; legal research, etc.

– Dec.2005-Dec.2007 International Committee of the Red Cross Part-time expert in International Humanitarian Law

Major Accomplishments:

Providing training for teachers, government officials and other interested stakeholders in International Humanitarian law (IHL)

Attending and contributing to regional and international meetings of IHL experts; Attending and contributing to conferences, seminars, moot courts, etc, that involve IHL related matters.

– May – Jul. 2005 Buchanan & Ingersoll PC – Law firm situated in Pittsburgh, PA,


Major Accomplishments:

Working with law firm partners and shareholders in different cases, providing legal assistance, preparing legal memorandums regarding cases, legal research, etc.

– Apr. 2000 – Jul. 2004 United Nations Mission in Kosovo (Kosovo), Department of Justice

Legal assistant (Kosovo District Courts and Supreme Court)

Major Accomplishments:

Working for the International Judicial Support Division of the Department of Justice; providing legal and administrative assistance to international judges and prosecutors; attending and working on investigations and trials (including trials of genocide and war crimes); dealing with complex legal information.

– May 2003- Oct. 2003 Finnish Human Rights Support Program

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– Feb. 2006 – Apr. 2006 Major Accomplishments:

– 2003:Working on a project on International Standards for the Protection of Children’s Rights, focus on ‘Street Children”.

– 2006: Mentoring Univ. of Prishtina students in their research work on Education of Roma in Kosovo.

Đây là một phần CV tiếng Anh chuyên ngành luật mà chúng tôi muốn giới thiệu tới các bạn. Để xem hoàn chỉnh bản CV này, các bạn có thể download tại đây.

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