Bài tập thành lập từ tiếng Anh có đáp án (phần 1)

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Dạng bài tập thành lập từ trong tiếng Anh là một trong những chủ điểm ngữ pháp tiếng Anh quan trọng cần nắm được. Các em có thể tham khảo bài viết dưới đây để biết thêm cách làm bài tập này.

Bài tập thành lập từ tiếng Anh có đáp án

Các em đã biết vị trí nào dùng danh từ, vị trí nào dùng động từ, vị trí nào dùng tính từ chưa… Nếu các em đang học chủ điểm ngữ pháp này, các em có thể tham khảo bài tập thành lập từ kèm đáp án dưới đây nhé.

Exercise 1

1.Detroit is renowned for the………….. of cars.                            PRODUCE

2.If you make a good……………… at the interview, you will get the job.             IMPRESS

3.Teaching and medicine are more than…………………., they’re professions.     OCCUPY

4.My history teacher has a vast………………. of past events.                        KNOW

5.You are never too old to go to college and gain some…………                QUALIFY

6.My greatest…………was graduating from the university.                          ACHIEVE

7.The weatherman said there is a strong………of rain today.                     POSSIBLE

8.Some old laws are no longer………………..                                      EFFECT

9.Athens is…………………. for its ancient buildings.                        FAME

10.He was caught shoplifting so now he has a………record.                CRIME

11.Despite her severe………,she fulfilled her goals in life.                          DISABLE

12.Being……… is the worst thing that can happen to someone.                EMPLOY

13.If you buy presents in the summer your……… can be very high.  SAVE

14.Due to the pilot’s……………, the copilot managed to land safely.           GUIDE

15.It’s important to also see the less………… sides of the job.               DESIRE

xem ngay:  5 yếu tố quan trọng giúp trẻ em học tiếng Anh mẫu giáo hiệu quả

16.I was surprised at his…………… to give up.                                         REFUSE

17.Children are by nature………….. of danger.                                       AWARE

18.She is always……………. towards her parents.                                          RESPECT

19.The hospital has the best medical………. and fast ambulances.            EQUIP

20.You can relax in the comfortable…………. of the hotel.                    SURROUND

21.The………looked dark and there were hardly any other guests. ENTER

22.Artists must be………., otherwise they just repeat what they see or hear. CREATE

23.Why are you so…………of his work? He’s just doing his best.              CRITIC

24.Have you made up your mind? We need to know your ………as soon as possible. DECIDE

25.He’s too shy to look people ……… when he talks to them.          DIRECT

26.Have they put the Christmas………… yet?                                     DECORATE

27.They put too many unnecesary ……………… in food.                       ADD

28.I ……………… think that there’s no point in arguing with him. Just ignore him. HONEST

29.Extraterrestrial life has not been…………proved yet.                       SCIENCE

30.Why don’t you call the …………if the lights don’t work?                    ELECTRIC

31.Music and television are forms of…………                                        ENTERTAIN

32.The concert didn’t live up to our………………                                        EXPECT

33.The electric company admitted their …………for the blackout.           RESPOND

34.Did you use to have ……………… as a child?                                       ALLOW

35.I don’t like those trousers, no matter how ……….. they are.          FASHION

36.Life ……… varies according to country and gender.                          EXPECT

Exercise 2

1.We need to find a __________ to the problem as soon as possible.                  (solve)

2.Juan speaks English fluently and makes very few ______ mistakes.         (grammar)

3.The teacher keeps a record of every student’s __________ .                        (attend)

4.Air-conditioning is a _____ if you live somewhere like the south of Spain. (necessary)

xem ngay:  Bài tập đọc và tích đáp án đúng tiếng Anh lớp 7 unit 3 Community Service

5.Don’t be afraid of the dog. He’s absolutely __________ .                      (harm)

6.The company is trying hard to improve customer ______ .                         (satisfy)

7.Measures were taken around the world to __________ airport security after the 11 September attacks. (tight)

8.We’re going to change our suppliers as they have become very __________ in the last year. (rely)

9.Patricia’s very __________ . She writes short stories, paints and makes mosaics. (create)

10.We need your __________ at the bottom of the page.                        (sign)

Exercise 3

1.The index at the back of the book is in __________ order.              (alphabet)

2.The fans waved ____as the film star stepped out of the limousine.        (excite)

3.Chickenpox is a highly _____disease which many people catch as a child. (infect)

4.Matt is very ______. He wants to be number one at everything.              (compete)

5.Harry loves cars and he’s so ________ about them.                                      (knowledge)

6.There is little __________ of the president being re-elected.              (likely)

7.The prime minister thinks there may be a _____ to overthrow him.            (conspire)

8.In ______with Tokyo, London and Paris are relatively cheap.                 (compare)

9.The police were unable to ___ that she had committed the crime.         (proof)

10.The president’s speech went on for so long that I almost died of __________ ! (bore)


Exercise 1

1 production               2. impression                  25. directly

3.occupations            4. knowledge                   26. decorations

5.qualification            6. achievement                27. additives

7.possibility              8. effective                      28. honestly

9.famous                 10. criminal                      29. scientifically

11.disability             12. unemployed                30. electrician

13.savings              14. guidance                    31. entertainment

15.desirable             16. refusal                       32. expectation

17.unaware             18. Respectful                   33. responsibility

19.equipment           20. surroundings               34. allowance

xem ngay:  Bài tập review đọc và trả lời câu hỏi tiếng Anh lớp 8 unit 1, 2, 3

21.entrance              22. Creative                     35. fashionable

23.critical                 24. Decision                     36. expectancy

Key to exercise 2

1.solution                       6.satisfaction

2.grammatical                7.tighten

3.attendance                  8.unreliable

4.necessity                    9.creative

5.harmless                    10.signature

Key to exercise 3

1.alphabetical                 6.likelihood

2).excitedly                  7.conspiracy

3.infectious                    8.comparison

4.competitive                 9.prove

5.knowledgeable            10.boredom

Bài tập tiếng Anh liên quan đến thành lập từ thường xuất hiện trong các đề thi tiếng Anh. Vì vậy cách tốt nhất đó là các em nên lưu lại để luyện tập sau đó kiểm tra đáp án bên dưới để xem mình làm đúng hay chưa nhé.

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